How To Create A Crowdfunding Campaign In Crowdfundly

With Crowdfundly you have the power to create campaigns for any cause, such as a reward based Crowdfunding campaign where you offer a reward to contributors for helping you fulfill your fundraising goal.

How To Add A Crowdfunding Campaign In Crowdfundly #

You can add a Crowdfunding campaign in Crowdfundly by following these step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Create A New Campaign In Crowdfundly #

Log in to your Crowdfundly organization account and click on the ‘Campaigns’ tab from your dashboard. This will redirect you to a new page where you have to click on the blue ‘Add New Campaign’ button as shown below. From the create campaign page click on ‘Crowdfunding’ type campaign.

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[Don’t forget to set your payment gateway from settings page] #

Step 2: Add Campaign Information #

On the create Crowdfunding campaign page provide your ‘Campaign Name’, set your ‘Target Amount’, set ‘Duration’ as ongoing or set a ‘Deadline’ and finally choose your payment gateway(s) and click ‘Save & Continue’.

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Step 03: Add Campaign’s Media Files

Choose a thumbnail image for your campaign. You can create an image gallery or video gallery by uploading images or adding video links for you campaign. Add maximum 10 images or videos as you want and feel free to crop and resize it according to your preferences.

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Step 4: Create A Story For Your Crowdfunding Campaign # #

Now It’s time to create your campaign story by adding some description so that contributors can learn what your campaign is about. You can use the blocks shown below to add a title, heading, quotes, body text and images and videos for your campaign story.

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After adding your campaign story you can publish your campaign from this step by clicking ‘Publish’ button.

Step 05: Add Some Additional Information to Your Campaign

On the ‘Additional Info’ section click ‘+ Add New Field’ to create the additional information section which will be appear after completing any contribution.

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On the Additional Information section you can customize any title or input field boxes according to your preferences. 

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You can skip this section if you wish to only add rewards to your campaign.

Step 06: Add Rewards And Publish Your Campaign #

Finally, you have to create your campaign reward which you will offer to your contributors for supporting your cause. Add the name of the reward, its price or monetary value, the number of rewards available in stock and other details.

Add images so your contributors can know what the reward will look like, and mention if shipping is available for the reward

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Once you’re done, click on the ‘Publish‘ button to share it with the world.

By following these basic steps you can create and share a reward based campaign in Crowdfundly.

Having difficulties? Feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team, also if you want, you can connect to our Facebook community to get all updates about Crowdfundly.