How To Accept Withdrawal Requests?

From Crowdfundly, you can monitor and manage your fundraiser’s ongoing campaign assignments, accept withdrawal requests, and much more easily through your organization account.

How To Accept Withdrawal Requests From Fundraisers? #

Follow the step by step guideline to accept withdrawal requests from fundraisers:

Step 1: First login to your Crowdfundly organization account. Navigate to ‘Wallet & Payout’ tab from your dashboard. From there you can see all the accepted, rejected, and requested withdrawal requests from fundraisers at a glance.

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Whenever any fundraisers request to withdraw funds, that request will be marked as Requested from your organization dashboard. 


Step 2: To accept a withdrawal request, click on the ‘Action’ gear icon from the right side bar. From the drop-down menu of options, click on the ‘Accept’ option. A pop up will appear and you have to click on the ‘Yes, Confirm’ button as shown below. The withdrawal request will be immediately changed into ‘Accepted’ status. 

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Step 3: To complete the withdrawal request acceptance process and return the funds, click on the ‘Action’ option again. Now, select the ‘Update’ option from the drop-down. 


After that, a popup will appear, where you can upload your payment invoice there, and hit the ‘Mark As Sent’ button. The fundraisers’ request for withdrawal will be accepted instantly. 


This is how easily you can accept a withdrawal request in Crowdfundly by following these simple steps.

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